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viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

SaLuSa: Next Year will be a Whirlwind Ride but Exciting

SaLuSa: Next Year will be a Whirlwind Ride but Exciting

2011 DECEMBER 30

SaLuSa calls the self-serving behavior of the ego “the final challenge” to our preparedness for Ascension. He tells us that the dark are losing more power each day as the people wake up to their true situation. The light is carrying people through periods of uncertainty and giving people the power to overcome their fears.

He tells us that the next year will see change speed up dramatically. He reminds us that the galactics are cleansing the atmosphere and guarding us from any actions intended to incite war.

He says that the dark only need to be rounded up and their dream of world domination will be replaced by the actuality of world peace. He informs us that there will be periods of difficulty and inconvenience while the web of control is being dismantled.

He tells us that change will have a whirlwind quality which will be exciting to those who are well informed but confusing to those who are not. He says that the well informed will be employed to assist the less informed. Some souls have elected to leave prior to Ascension but will ascend from the astral realms.

SaLuSa, Dec. 30, 2011

At a time when you are finding that you have the ability to bring unconditional love into your life, and we send that energy to all souls of the Earth. We have a commitment to give you every help to achieve a state of being that is going to prepare you for Ascension.

Your part is to be aware and receptive to such energies, and to put them into use in your everyday life. It requires a new mindset as most lives are presently controlled by the ego, that works in your self-interest. It is the final challenge that is the hardest to overcome but you can do it, and will feel elated that you are in total control.

The dark Ones are gradually becoming resigned to their defeat, and lose more power as each day passes. They see the worldwide movements for peace as more and more people realize the value of coming together, and that by sheer numbers they are achieving their aims. The dark Ones have always feared the day people would wake up to their true selves, and the power that they hold.

Fear is no longer the powerful weapon that it was, and the Light is carrying people through periods of uncertainty and giving them the strength to overcome it. Events that are about to occur and are essential to your progress, are moving into a stage of readiness for the next step to take place. It means that the year 2012 will not take long to get under way and will almost be a procession of changes, one after another.

It is you who are instrumental in bringing the changes into your lives and as we see it, you will not in the least way be disappointed. You have waited long for the return journey to the higher dimensions to commence, and hardly noticed that it has already started.

However, in this coming year the changes will speed up quite dramatically and particularly where your consciousness levels are concerned. It will bring an acceptance of each other that sees beyond race or cultural differences, and that will also help bring you together. Humans are in essence benign Beings and are naturally peaceful by nature.

We of the Galactic Federation are very active now as we become more directly involved in matters taking place on Earth. It is ensuring that our allies proceed at a pace that is necessary to bring the first major changes into being. We otherwise keep up our cleansing activities of the atmosphere, and keep a strict control on any action intended to start another war.

By banishing nuclear wars we have commenced a period of peaceful existence that shall eventually bring about the removal and destruction of all weapons of war. There is no place for such things in the higher dimensions, neither thoughts of any kind of aggression.

The demand for peace is uppermost in so many peoples’ minds, and that powerful energy is instrumental in bringing it into being. As we see your Earth it becomes apparent that the Light Grids are exceptionally strong now and lifting Earth up into the higher vibrations, as like attracts like.

The process of Ascension marches onwards and the dark Ones can no longer hold it back. Their day has finished and little remains but to round them up, and keep them where their power and influence has no way of interfering with you. Their dream of world domination, has now been replaced by one of world peace as a result of the vision projected by you.

There will be periods of difficulty and inconvenience to you as the web of control put in place by the dark Ones is dismantled. It will be particularly relevant to the financial and monetary changes, but be assured we have our allies fully briefed and ready to act at short notice. The governmental changes will not cause many problems, as there will be continuity and control whilst they are taking place.

Disclosure as an announcement will naturally result in great discussion, and bring about many revelations to reveal what has been hidden from you for at least the last century. These will in turn result in far reaching changes by introducing benefits and new technologies that you should have already been using. Once we can work openly with you, we shall give you the advantage of our advanced monitoring of your Earth where physical changes are concerned.

Bear in mind that the main changes will not take place until after Ascension, when those of the higher consciousness will take their places as the new Galactic Beings. You will eventually become as we are and enjoy the same opportunities, and experience complete happiness. Whatever experiences you have to go through until you ascend, keep focusing on the future and it will not seem as difficult.

Those of you who are well informed will be the vanguard of Lightworkers who will help others to understand what is taking place. Once the media is able to be free speaking from censorship and other controls, you may be sure that it will be your principle source of information.

So everything is set for really fast-moving experiences and changes that will bring you to a point you should have already reached. Thus you will reach the new levels in stages, and be well prepared for the next big step forward that is Ascension. It will be something of a whirlwind ride once it gets started, but exciting if you look at it from an informed point of view.

Many souls who are only just awakening will be utterly confused and understandably fearful. That is to be expected when you are suddenly taken out of your normal surroundings into the unknown. However, people will soon understand that we of the Galactic Federation are assigned to the task of seeing you safely through the changes. Naturally some souls will have elected to leave the Earth prior to Ascension, but are not denied the opportunity to ascend and can do so directly from the Astral Realms.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and although we do not work to your linear time, we nevertheless understand the way you rely on this method of calculation. We sense a sigh of relief amongst you as you are about to step into the year 2012, with every expectation of the promises materializing that were made to you.

If there was ever a certainty that events would proceed as expected, then you are right as far as the year 2012 is concerned. We are pleased for you all as we want you to be lifted in spirit and go forward full of hope and joy. May your dreams come true and your path be full of Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

25 Ways to Be Good for Someone Else (Be the Positivity You Want to Feel)
2011 DECEMBER 26

“Be the Positivity you want to feel” — I can’t think of a better mandate to embrace and embody as we head into 2012. Occupy Positivity. Occupy Kindness. Occupy Compassion. Occupy Listening. Occupy Appreciation. Occupy Thankfulness. Occupy an Open Mind.

Occupy _________________ (Fill in the blank).

25 Ways to Be Good for Someone Else (Be the Positivity You Want to Feel)

“Don’t wait for people to be friendly. Show them how.” ~Unknown

An excerpt:

It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve learned we don’t need to live life in a constant state of reaction to things that seem difficult or unfair. We don’t have to be the victims of bad coming at us. Our lives don’t have to be the sum of our problems—not if we take responsibility for putting good into the world.

That starts by fostering a greater appreciation for our interdependence. We are not alone. The world is not against us, and we don’t have to be against each other. We don’t have to let our fears, insecurities and wants boil over inside us until we’re all a bunch of incompatible toxic chemicals waiting to explode the second we collide.

You can always find a negative story to tell—some situation when another person was insensitive, selfish, uncaring, unfair, or just plain wrong. You can also find an underlying struggle that doesn’t justify but might explain their behavior.

If you absolutely can’t channel that compassion and patience, you can always find at least one good thing someone did in your day.

When that stranger held the elevator open, when your coworker let you take the lead in your meeting, when your mother called just to say she loves you; they’re all reminders people are looking out for you—maybe not all of them, and maybe not all the time, but probably more than you notice.

An even better way to honor our interconnection: be someone else’s positive story. Be the kindness that reminds someone else the world is not against them. Give them an anchor of positivity to find later if their circumstances seem overwhelming.

If you’ve ever ended a stressful day with a long hug—the type that’s so needed and loving it’s near impossible not to relax and receive—you know the power of a simple gesture.

Need some ideas for simple kindnesses? I recently asked friends, “What’s the kindest thing you can do for someone else?”

1. Try to accept people with an open mind and refrain from making judgments, which are often wrong anyway.
2. Let them know how much you appreciate them.
3. Any deed done for someone else is a kind one when you don’t expect something in return.
4. Do little things like hold doors open or let folk go in or out first. Little things can make a big difference for someone who’s not having a great day.
5. Accept them for who they are and who they strive to be.
6. Let them know they’ve made you smile.
7. Be with them when they need you. For the rest of the time, let them be free. (Rohin Khanna)
8. Tell them the truth.
9. Tell them why they make a difference in your life that no one else could possibly make—why their particular brand of “special” makes the world a better place for everyone they meet in it.
10. Help them help themselves and be independent.
11. Believe in them and give them hope.
12. Give a simple well meaning smile.
13. The kindest thing you can do for someone else is to take good care of your own mind, body and soul. This enables kindness in all things.
14. Spend time listening with the intent of learning. I joined an art guild that is mostly made up of elderly artists who have the most amazing life stories and the best tips and trick for creating artwork. I feel like I get so much more in return for doing nothing more than enjoying their company!
15. The best thing my parents ever taught me—the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you!
16. Be there for them when they fall and not say I told you so.
17. Give them the space to be.
18. Lend your shoulder to cry on.
19. Thank them for being themselves.
20. Take a moment to send someone a note thanking them for something they have done for you in the past. For example, a good teacher or a good manager, or someone who was a mentor or role model.
21. Treat each person with respect for his or her individuality.
22. Offer encouragement after a failure. Acceptance of even the weirdest things they possess. A tap for a job well done. A “thank you” to every simple yet life-changing encounter.
23. Forgive. 
24. Pay attention to them. From the clerk at the store to your kids at home, most people just want to be heard and acknowledged. Understanding comes later, but everyone can pay attention now.
25. Listen to someone without trying to fix their problem.

Comment which one is yours!

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011

Cómo meditar con el mantra «so-hum»

Cómo meditar con el mantra «so-hum»

por Deepak Chopra

Nuestras mentes están constantemente activas, siempre saltan de un pensamiento a otro, de una emoción a otra. Para establecer contacto con inteligencia Kappa no circunscrita –el alma universal que reside en nuestro interior y que es parte de todos nosotros–  es necesario encontrar un camino que vaya más allá de la neblina de pensamientos distractores que normalmente la ocultan.
Es imposible avanzar a través de esta barrera tanto como lo es hacerlo en una neblina real.
Si quieres ver al otro lado de la calle en un día de niebla, nada físico que hagas podrá ayudarte.
Debes esperar, con paciencia y tranquilidad, hasta que la neblina se disipe y desaparezca por sí sola.
De vez en cuando se abren claros que te permiten ver qué hay del otro lado.
Lo mismo ocurre con los pensamientos.
Cuando estamos tranquilos podemos encontrar momentos de silencio puro a los que llamo «claros», y a través de ellos podemos dar un vistazo al nivel más profundo del alma.
Cada vistazo incrementa la comprensión; finalmente  nuestra conciencia se expande.
El propósito de la meditación es dejar de pensar por un momento, esperar a que la neblina de pensamientos se disipe y dar un vistazo al espíritu interior.
Para la mayoría es muy difícil controlar el torrente de pensamientos.
Los principiantes pueden sentirse frustrados, pero la frustración es apenas otro pensamiento, otra emoción que se interpone en el camino.
El objetivo es liberar todos los pensamientos con tranquilidad y mesura.
Una manera común de iniciar la meditación, consiste en concentrarse en una cosa sin forzarse; de manera que sea más difícil que otros pensamientos entren a la mente.
A mí me gusta empezar con una meditación de respiración.
Para iniciar la meditación, encuentra una posición cómoda. Siéntate en una silla cómoda con los pies bien apoyados sobre el piso.
Coloca las manos en tu regazo, con las palmas hacia arriba.
Cierra los ojos y presta atención a tu respiración.
Observa cómo entra y sale el aire sin intentar controlarlo de ninguna forma.
Tal vez notes que tu respiración se vuelve espontáneamente más rápida o más lenta, profunda o superficial,
o que incluso se detiene por un momento.
Observa los cambios sin resistencia y sin anticiparte.
Cuando tu atención se desvíe hacia un sonido del entorno, una sensación en tu cuerpo o un pensamiento de tu mente, haz volver tu conciencia, sin forzarla, a tu respiración.
Ésta es la meditación básica. Una vez que una persona se siente cómoda con sólo sentarse en silencio
y concentrarse en su respiración, recomiendo agregar un mantra, el cual crea un ambiente mental y permite expandir la conciencia.
El mantra que utilizo y recomiendo para alcanzar el sincrodestino es simplemente «so-hum» [pronunciado en español como: so-jam].
Éste es el mantra de la respiración. Si te concentras en tu respiración escucharás «so-hum» conforme el aire entra y sale de tus pulmones.
Mientras inhalas, el sonido de esa vibración es «so»;cuando exhalas, el sonido es «hum».
Si quieres puedes experimentar con esto. Inhala profundamente, cierra los ojos y la boca, y exhala con energía por la nariz. Si te concentras escucharás el «hum» con claridad.
Una de las técnicas de la meditación consiste, simplemente, en concentrarse en el lugar de procedencia de la respiración.
Con los ojos cerrados, inhala y piensa en la palabra «so»; cuando exhales, piensa en la palabra «hum» [pronunciado: jam].
Gradualmente, la respiración y el sonido se harán más y más pausados. La respiración se tranquiliza tanto que casi parece detenerse.
Cuando tranquilizas tu respiración, tranquilizas tu mente. Cuando trasciendes, el mantra «so-hum» desaparece por completo y tu respiración se detiene por un instante. El tiempo mismo hace una pausa y te encuentras en el campo de la conciencia pura, en el ámbito no circunscrito, en el espíritu, en el fundamento del ser.
El mantra, por tanto, es una forma de experimentar la conciencia no circunscrita.
Aborígenes australianos, hindúes, indios americanos y muchas otras culturas tradicionales los han utilizado
durante miles de años. En todas las tradiciones, el uso de mantras implica cantar para crear vibraciones especiales, sonidos del Universo que forjan algo de la nada, que mueven energía de lo no manifiesto a lo manifiesto.
© Deepak Chopra
Extracto del Capítulo 1, de su libro en español: “Sincrodestino — Descifra el significado oculto de las coincidencias en tu vida y crea los milagros que has soñado”
(No se menciona el traductor.)
*Pueden ver a Deepak Chopra explicar la meditación “so-hum” (so-jam) en un corto Video corto disponioble en YouTube ingresando a:

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

100 Ways to Become More Conscious: How to Raise Your Consciousness
2011 DECEMBER 17

1. Connect with nature – Go for a walk in the forest, jungle, field of daisies, or wherever you feel like getting a connection with nature. It is possible to feel at deep sense of peace and oneness when you attempt to connect with nature. As you learn to connect and appreciate nature, you allow your consciousness to rise up.

2. Get your body moving – Exercise and dancing will raise your consciousness by promoting healthy brainwave patterns, healthy neurotransmitter levels, and great circulation throughout your nervous system. Help yourself rise up and break the pattern of not exercising by going for a friendly walk with one of your friends or even going to the club to dance. Both examples are: easy, fun, and empowering.

3. Simple meditation – Whether you are an advanced meditator or a beginner, the benefits are tremendous and will allow you to tap into your highest state of conscious functioning if you stick around long enough. It is an act that will definitely raise your conscious awareness and allow you to attain greater focus, discipline, and develop a deeper joyous connection to life.

4. Spending time with true friends – Find only friends that align with who you are, your beliefs, and your values – they will make you more conscious. These are your true friends, and though they can be tough to find, they should definitely be cherished. Give some of your true friends a call and make it a habit to spend more time with them.

5. Have the intention to “raise your consciousness” – If you have the intention to raise your consciousness and state of awareness, you are on the right track. Having the intention alone will make you more focused on finding ways to raise your consciousness.

6. Tell the truth – Anytime you tell the truth, you raise your level of consciousness. Why do people tell lies? To protect themselves in lower states of consciousness. People in higher states of consciousness don’t lie because they want to be true to themselves, others, and make relationships in humanity more conscious.

7. Find and live your purpose – Searching for a purpose will help you find your true purpose here on Earth. When you find your purpose and are able to share it with the rest of the world, you will continue to raise your level of consciousness.

8. Take conscious control of your decisions – When you take conscious control of all your decisions, you are actually activating certain neural pathways in your brain that help promote self-control, calmness, and inner peace. Every time you allow others to dictate your decisions or you don’t take full conscious responsibility for your decisions, you become slightly conditioned to be less conscious when making choices.

9. Always be open-minded – Being open-minded is a key aspect in the process of becoming a more conscious individual. When you haven’t accepted the diversity that our planet has to offer: ranging from different cultures, religions, wildlife, and beliefs, you will stay in your same state of consciousness or drop to a lower state. Being open-minded doesn’t only need to be for beliefs either. It can be having an open-mind to try something new such as: a new exercise routine, spiritual practice, or trying a new food.

10. Pursue higher intelligence – There are many ways to become more intelligent. Not everyone is intelligent in every area of their life. Some people are more emotionally intelligent, some have a higher I.Q., while some are more spiritually intelligent. All forms of intelligence increases and enhancements will help you on your journey towards expanding your awareness and becoming a more conscious human being.

11. Treat yourself with respect – Having respect for yourself and your actions will ultimately boost the amount of love that you express towards yourself and others. Make wise, respectful decisions that reflect your values and have strong respect for your personal beliefs. Treating others with respect will help you become a more conscious human being too, but before you can respect others properly, you must first learn to show the utmost respect towards yourself.

12. Practice forgiveness – Forgiving yourself can be very difficult sometimes: especially if you are operating in a lower state of consciousness. Realize that in order to rise up, advance, and become a more conscious person, you must be compassionate and forgiving towards yourself. Any hateful thoughts or pent up negative emotions that you may be holding towards yourself need to be released. Negative thoughts and emotions can easily lower our level of consciousness if we do not practice compassion and forgiveness.

13. Cultivate a “high-performance mind” – Cultivating a high-performance mind is a very fun, invigorating process that involves consciously accessing the brainwave state that you consciously choose, whenever you feel it is appropriate for a certain situation. Since their is no single best brainwave state to live life in, it helps to train our mind to consciously be able to “switch” states upon command. For those who want to understand more about developing a high-performance mind, I recommend that you go check out the book The High Performance Mind by Anna Wise.

14. Connect through prayer – The act of simply closing your eyes, folding your hands and saying a prayer will raise your level of consciousness. There are many different ways to practice prayer and there are many different practices, that when combined with prayer, enhance the power of your conscious message. Overall, prayer is a great experience that has potential to aid in your conscious awareness.

15. Challenge your belief system – This one can be difficult for many individuals due to the influence of imprinted beliefs by their parents or guardians during childhood. Some examples of beliefs that you could change include: dietary (changing to a vegetarian), spiritual (from Christianity to Atheism – or vice versa), emotional (from sadness to happiness), etc. By changing your belief system and experimenting with new beliefs, you make yourself more conscious of life’s endless possibilities.

16. Befriend like-minded individuals – On your journey towards becoming a more conscious individual, befriending like-minded people can be extremely helpful. If you are going through many spiritual, emotional, and mental changes without the company of others, the process can be much more difficult and confusing than when you have a guide, guru, or some friends that are traveling at a similar pace to you. Not only is being around like-minded individuals healthy, and optimal for your consciousness, it will ultimately give you more joy in life!

17. Pursue a path of spirituality – Pursuing a path of spirituality and becoming more spiritual will aid you considerably in the process of becoming a more conscious human being. Never be afraid to add a new spiritual practice to your arsenal – you never know what may be most effective or a life changing experience.

18. Express gratitude – Expressing gratitude on a daily basis is a very positive, fulfilling exercise to practice. Ways to express gratitude on a daily basis include: giving thanks for your food, expressing gratitude for yourself and others through prayer (as discussed earlier), complimenting others, and letting another person know that you are thankful for having them in your life. By sharing and expressing gratitude, you feel extremely satisfied and will become more consciously aware of the things that you truly appreciate in life.

19. Make yourself happy - What sort of things make you happy? The answer is usually different for everyone. You can do yourself a favor right now by making a long list of everything that makes you happy in life and acting on your listed items. Feeling and experiencing happiness in your life also will give you the powerful drive that it takes to make yourself more conscious.

20. Act on your desires – Simply having any form of desire will raise your consciousness. Desire encourages us to take action to advance consciously. The state of apathy, or not caring about your consciousness, will naturally lower your consciousness. Desire is a powerful way to raise your consciousness.

21. Boost your brain power and functioning – There are many helpful exercises that you can do to boost your brain power and overall level of functioning. One of my most popular articles, 50 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power, should get you on the right track if you are currently confused about the topic. Raising your level of consciousness will naturally boost your overall brain power, and boosting your brain power will raise your level of consciousness; both affect each other in equal proportion.

22. Take full control of your lifestyle – Are you living the lifestyle that you feel is most beneficial for your mental and physical wellbeing? Maybe there are certain bad habits that you need to get rid of or certain good habits that you’d like to implement in your daily routine. Don’t be afraid to act now and make necessary positive changes in your lifestyle to help you take full conscious control.

23. Choose empowering beliefs - In the process of changing beliefs, choose beliefs that are empowering to your soul. A good way to know what belief will be empowering is to simply ask yourself how you feel about adding the new belief. If you feel a strong connection with a new belief, such as feelings of excitement, it will probably be a very good choice of a belief to implement. Make a conscious effort to purge all beliefs that are less than satisfying. Understand also that as you become a more conscious human being, changing your beliefs will become a much easier, more natural process.

24. Avoid physical fighting and abuse – Physical fighting stems from emotional misunderstandings, hatred, and negative emotional expressions. Fighting can be described as the opposite of peace. Physical fighting and other forms of abuse can really do a great job at distracting us from becoming more conscious human beings. Anything that you can do to stop physical fighting and abuse will ultimately make you and the individuals involved more consciously aware.

25. Be aware and accepting of your emotions – No matter your current emotions, you will profoundly help yourself if you are accepting of them. Going through life resisting your emotions and trapping them inside yourself makes life much more difficult. Trying to escape from our emotions lowers our awareness. When you accept what you feel and consciously understand why you feel a certain emotion, your level of consciousness rises.

26. Speak compassionately – When having conversation with others, do you choose your words wisely? Or are you the type of person who could care less what you say? The truth is, people who choose their words wisely and consciously think during conversation are the ones who show greater respect for themselves and more compassion for others. Make a conscious effort to speak compassionately and positive results will follow.

27. Think positive, act positive, be positive – Being a positive influence sets a good example for others and for yourself. Positivity and states of being positive are direct effects of raising your consciousness. I highly recommend trying to be a more positive person in all areas of life; you will notice and feel the beneficial changes in your awareness.

28. Have sex with your partner – Having sexual intercourse is a great way to spread and share your love with another person. The best way to have sexual intercourse is with another positive, healthy, person in which you fully love and trust. Having sexual intercourse is a loving way of transferring and sharing energy with another person. No matter who you have sexual intercourse with, there can be significant conscious benefits.

29. Identify with your soul – Realize that at your core, you are a spiritual being who is living in a physical body. In lower stages of consciousness, this concept may seem unrealistic and may be very difficult to grasp. As you become better at identifying with your soul, you become better at working your way up the mountain of consciousness.

30. See perceived faults as a “mirror image” – When you look at the faults of others and identify faults in other people, use them as a teaching tool for yourself. The people that are in your life weren’t put there by mistake, they were put there to teach you something about yourself. By being able to take personal responsibility for what is being displayed by others into your conscious focus, you can take the information and make very positive changes.

31. Expand your horizons – Trying something new can pertain to any area of your life. Maybe you want to try to add a new healthy habit to your daily routine, shop at an organic store, or even host a block party for the first time. Having courage raises your consciousness and by constantly trying new things, you boost your cognitive ability to adapt and push through any lower states of fear.

32. Face your deepest fears – Are there any fears that you’re holding inside that are prevent you from making conscious advancement? At certain stages along the ladder of consciousness, it can be extremely difficult to face your fears. With that said, facing your fears will equip your consciousness with more empowerment and energy. Healthy fears include: giving a speech, singing in front of others, or throwing a party; this would be a great list of fears to go out and conquer! The choice to face these will help you considerably in your ability to make conscious advances.

33. Use powerful incantations – Incantations are simply words or phrases repeated over and over with emotional intensity for personal or spiritual benefit. They have commonly been used in religious practices to praise certain Gods or deities, but they have also be used for personal development and in the process of becoming more conscious. No matter what way you choose to use incantations, they can be very helpful and a powerful catalyst for helping you become more conscious.

34. Practice positive affirmations – Affirmations are a bit different than using incantations, though the concepts are very similar. Affirmations are used to change beliefs and thinking patterns. Examples of positive affirmations include: “I am healthy,” “I am positive,” and “I am intelligent.” The primary goal of using affirmations should be to replace unhealthy beliefs and thought patterns with healthier ones; making it easier to scale the mountain of consciousness.

35. Be aware of your state of consciousness – Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware of their current state of consciousness or what even defines consciousness. You may not even be consciously aware of the many diverse possible states of consciousness due to the fact that you may have only experienced one primary state of functioning throughout your lifetime. If you are a person who hasn’t experienced other states or most importantly cannot seem to understand your own state, you are definitely missing out some important aspects and understandings of conscious perception.

36. Set a positive example for others – Setting a positive example for others can pertain to any area of life and is highly encouraged. Setting a healthy, positive example for others to follow spreads a direct positive image into the lives and minds of others. Trying to consciously set a good example for others, will further raise your consciousness. Setting a bad example, or unconscious example, will slow, halt, or reverse your current conscious development.

37. Guide others interested in raising their consciousness – There are many ways to aid others in the process of raising their awareness, especially if you are a more consciously advanced individual. Chances are good that you’ll need to do some personal work with raising your own consciousness before you can put yourself in an effective position to help others raise their consciousness. What you may want to do, though, is encourage others to practice some items in this article or others on 4 Mind 4 Life dot com.

38. Share your unique insight and wisdom – Everyone has a different perspective based on their personal experience, purpose, and personality. Therefore, each individual has a unique form of insight that they can share with others. There are endless ways and opportunities for you to express and share your knowledge with others. All that you need to do is take action towards finding a medium most effective for allowing you to share your insight.

39. Gain wisdom from others – No single person holds all the wisdom of the universe in their brain. For this reason, it is important to study the wisdom of others and try to apply their wisdom to your life. As mentioned earlier, everyone has a unique perspective and knowledge-base to bring to the table. Studying the wisdom of others can be done in many ways. Examples include: meeting face-to-face with a more consciously advanced individual and ask them for life advice, reading positivity and personal development websites from several different sources, or maybe attending different personal development seminars.

40. Keep your ego in check – The more aware you are of your ego, the easier it is to become more conscious. With that said, as your awareness increases, so does your state of consciousness. The reverse also applies: as your consciousness increases, so does your awareness. Letting our ego get out of control and take the driver’s seat in our consciousness has potential to quickly lower our state of functioning. Taking full control and responsibility to keep your ego in check when faced with adversity will allow you to consciously advance in a much healthier manner.

41. Practice personal development – Taking action to better your life through the concept of personal development is an extremely effective way to make yourself a more conscious human being. Think of personal development as the act of upgrading every area of your life to function at the highest possible level: health, finances, relationships, etc. Virtually all aspects of personal development lead to greater conscious development in one way or another.

42. Shift your conscious focus - Being preoccupied with thoughts of past events and of the future has potential to lead your consciousness in the wrong direction. Focusing your attention on this exact moment (commonly referred to as “the now”), however, is a great way to raise your level of awareness. By learning techniques that allow you to shift your awareness to this exact moment, you can work wonders in the process of conscious advancement.

43. Be energetic – Being energetic can be very powerful for advancing your state of consciousness and for inspiring others to become more consciously advanced. Your body can become energized and your brain can become energized. When both are operating in at maximum intensity and energy, you are said to be in a state of peak conscious performance.

44. Make healthy dietary changes – Making healthy dietary changes means searching to find the best possible diet to fit your mental needs, physical needs, spiritual needs; to fit your needs. Are you fully conscious of what you are consuming? In order to boost your own level of consciousness, it is important to be fully aware of the food in which you are consuming in your diet and to be respectful and accepting of the diets of other individuals without making negative judgments.

45. Accept others for who they are – As mentioned above in being conscious of what you eat, it is important to be accepting of the diets that others choose to use. Whether they make a conscious decision to have an unhealthy diet or unconscious decision, accept their actions. Accepting others can apply to every area of life. No matter if you disagree with another person’s actions, disagree with their personality, or disagree with their perception of life, it is important to accept them for who they are and not try to force changes upon them. Settle your disagreements with other individuals by purely accepting them for who they are.

46. Accept and love yourself for who are – Life’s journey becomes much easier and significantly enriched if you can learn to accept yourself for who you are. Depending on your current state of consciousness, it may be difficult to love and accept who you are. Take the time to count your blessings, be accepting of yourself and your level of consciousness. Realize that at this current moment you are doing the best that you know how to do in order to advance consciously.

47. Understand your own thought process – An extremely effective way to become more conscious is to take note of your thought process and understand it to the best of your ability. I’ve seen many people run themselves in mental circles due to an ineffective understanding of their own thought process. Being consciously aware of your thoughts and why you are thinking them is a key step towards creating an accurate understanding of your reality.

48. Bless everything that happens – There are times throughout life when amazing things happen to us and other times when upsetting events take place. Just like accepting who you are is a great habit to get into, you should also learn to bless everything that happens in your life. No matter how bad an event, it has potential to make a positive impact on your life in the long run. Your ability to bless and appreciate, even what may be initially perceived as a worst case scenario, will ultimately provide you great conscious satisfaction.

49. Take time for internal reflection – In my opinion, taking time for internal reflection is the single most effective way to learn more about yourself and your current state of consciousness. Internal reflection will certainly help you better understand your thoughts, emotions, spirituality, and provide clarity in your current life situation. If you don’t currently take time to internally reflect, you could very well start up a 20 minute meditation routine each morning and observe the difference it quickly makes in your state of consciousness.

50. Focus on advancing consciously – In the process of conscious development, it’s important to focus exactly on what you are trying to accomplish: the act of becoming more conscious. During this process, it is important to tune out all unhealthy distractions such as: negative relationships, abuse, fighting, illicit drugs, etc. If you allow yourself to become distracted with unhealthy, unconscious habits, then act of advancing consciously will become a much more difficult or slower process than normal.

51. Be aware of your breathing – Being aware of your breathing means being fully conscious of your breathing pattern. Being aware of how you are breathing is important. Unfortunately, many people are unaware that there is actually a proper way to breathe. A way of breathing that is optimal for your body and brain. Proper breathing involves inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth upon every breath. The process of becoming more aware of my breathing through exercises like meditation and conscious breathing have significantly helped me increase my overall level of focus, emotional stability, and level of consciousness.

52. Spend more time with yourself – In the fast-paced lifestyle of the 21st century, it is very common for people to spend time with others, yet never take personal time to spend with themselves and focus on their own life. If you are an individual who is currently not taking enough time for yourself each day, try starting up a personal routine. Examples of ways that you could spend time with yourself, contributing positively to your own life include: taking time for internal reflection (meditation), letting yourself know how much you love yourself, going on a walk to listen to your own thoughts, giving gratitude for everything that you have in your life, or getting involved in a hobby that inspires you.

53. Listen more often than you speak – In this day in age, it seems as though there is always someone that wants to be the center of attention; conversations easily become viewed as egoistic competitions. While being the center of attention can feel great and can be a rewarding experience, it can become consciously dangerous to your consciousness if it is motivated by your ego. By practicing the act of listening more often than you speak, you can train yourself to be more consciously aware of others, while still holding the conscious ability to politely contribute to a conversation.

54. Muster up some courage – Being highly conscious means doing what you want to do, saying what you want to say, and living how you want to live at every moment. Somewhere along the path towards developing a highly conscious mindset, you will need to be courageous. Developing a sense of courage is an integral step, possibly a phase that may last several years, on your journey to become more conscious.

55. Always act with compassion – Having complete compassion for others is a direct result of becoming more conscious. Unfortunately, there are few people here on Earth that are honestly able to make the claim that they always act with complete compassion for others. Compassion meditation also allows you to learn how to shift your mental focus from any state into a perspective of pure love for others. As you may have already guessed, practicing compassion can be one of the single most powerful exercises for boosting your level of consciousness.

56. Improve your mental focus – Improving our mental focus helps us get a better understanding of reality and provides us with more inner clarity. As we enhance our level of focus and clarity, concepts that had previously seemed very difficult to understand become general knowledge. We get a better sense of understanding within ourselves and of the world around us. As your level of focus increases, so will your level of consciousness.

57. Think rationally and logically – Being able to think rationally and logically allows you to positively interact with your reality much easier than being irrational and illogical. In fact, being irrational and illogical will actually lower your current level of awareness. Rational thinking is a byproduct of a high functioning brain, particularly the high activity within your left-prefrontal cortex. One great way to increase your ability to rationalize is to strengthen your brain’s level of functioning by boosting your brain power.

58. Purify your body – One great way to become more conscious is to purify your body. You can help purify your body by going on a specific diet, by cutting certain substances from your diet, by decreasing stress and learning to deeply relax, by cutting certain substances from your diet, by sitting in a sauna to sweat out toxins, etc. While following a detox routine, be conscious of what you are doing to your body. Be fully aware that you should choose a detox routine that has been researched and proven effective in order to avoid risking bodily damage in the process. With that said, choosing to purify or cleanse your body can really work magic for your current level of consciousness.

59. Start a personal journal – Starting a personal journal or blog is a great time investment that will allow yourself to become more conscious of your: thoughts, feelings, actions, philosophies, beliefs, etc. Writing entries in a daily journal or on a personal blog can be extremely helpful in the process of understanding your current state of awareness. What is nice about keeping tabs on yourself is the fact that you can watch your progress as you undertake a conscious journey. No matter your strategy for keeping a journal, understand that keeping tabs on yourself and events in your life serves as a great way to develop a deeper sense of understanding, knowledge, and conscious awareness.

60. Make others laugh – Being funny and making others laugh is a great way to ease stress and create a more positive outlook in life for yourself and for others. Though you may not be an expert comedian, being able to make others laugh is extremely rewarding and satisfying. Making others laugh and smile shifts all attention away from pain and negative emotions, towards one of pure enjoyment and happiness. Jokes and the ability to laugh can really change your entire perspective from what may seem like a grim, serious situation, to a happier, more positive outlook.

61. Practice a religion – Practicing a religion is a phenomenal way to become a more conscious person. As you raise your current level of awareness, you will discover that there is really no best religion or Utopian religion to practice. What matters most in conscious advancement is getting a feel for what practices actually make you become more consciously aware. You need to personally determine what works best for you. One of the best ways to do this is via experimenting with many different religions. (or not)

62. Respect the beliefs of others – At no time is it loving or respectful to criticize the beliefs of others. No matter how consciously advanced another person is or isn’t, it is important to respect their thoughts and actions. When you try to force others to adopt your lifestyle, beliefs, and force them to become a more conscious human-being, you are indirectly expressing negative emotion towards that individual; you are getting your ego heavily involved. Forcing others to consciously change is not truly accepting them for who they are. If you feel like you should force others to raise their awareness, perhaps you need to raise your awareness some more! It is important to realize that everyone will have their time to advance consciously and will eventually reach the “top of the mountain” on their journey to their higher consciousness.

63. Ask questions about your life – Attempting to learn more about life each day is a great way to increase your overall knowledge base and a great way to become a more conscious person. Nobody “knows-it-all” in life, that’s why asking questions about life and about certain situations in life, will really help you out on your journey. The idea here is to learn as much about life as possible. This will allow you to make your lifestyle more conscious, your choices more conscious, your actions more conscious, and yourself a more knowledgeable person. If you don’t feel like asking others questions, a great way to learn more about life is to ask yourself internal questions. Often times we don’t realize that within ourselves, we hold the answer to every question about our life. Meditation is highly recommended as an exercise for learning more about our inner-self.

64. Understand that everything changes - Whether you realize it or not, everything and everyone is in a constant state of change. Change is undeniable and is happening to yourself and others as you are reading this. There is no way to prevent change, but there is a way to consciously control your change. Be the change that you want to see on this Earth and please: make it a positive, conscious one!

65. Realize that you are not alone – On your journey towards becoming a more conscious human being, it is important to realize that you are never alone in the process. Someone, somewhere is going through the same process and many have already gone through the process. There are likely many individuals that are more consciously advanced than you are: which is a good thing. Look to these individuals for guidance along the way. We can always look to more conscious individuals for personal guidance and advice in life.

66. Push your personal limits – Pushing your personal limits to become the best person that you can be is something that everyone should strive for. Pushing your personal limits is something that you can do in every area of your life: relationships, exercise, consciousness, spirituality, finances, etc. Pushing your personal limits in the areas that you feel most soulfully-connected with are the areas that you should probably put the most work into in order to feel the greatest sense of fulfillment.

67. Invest in yourself - When you make money, do you invest it in stocks? Have you ever thought of investing it in yourself – your purpose, vision, values, and goals? Besides money, we can also invest time in ourselves. In my opinion, investing time in yourself is one of the most effective ways to become more conscious. Investing time in yourself will allow you to discover your true purpose and become a more conscious human being.

68. Be open to exploring consciousness – There are many ways to be open to exploring your consciousness. Several methods to explore your consciousness include: brainwave entrainment, meditation, raising your consciousness, trying new activities, exploring spirituality, exploring different social groups, changing your environment (by traveling), trying neurofeedback, etc. If you don’t know of any healthy ways to expand your consciousness, start with the ones that I’ve listed. No need to unnecessarily kill your brain cells and lower your consciousness by using illicit drugs to “expand your mind…”

69. Develop a deep relationship – Developing deep, trustworthy relationships with other people are not only great for helping you to become more conscious, they are a great way to share love and joy with others. If you haven’t already done so, develop a deep, personal relationship with at least one individual. It could be a good friend, spouse, boyfriend / girlfriend, it could be a good therapist, it could be anyone that you feel is on-the-same-page as you in life, or at the same level of consciousness. Having another person to discuss your personal inner-thoughts with and share your turmoil, joy, and all other emotions with, will actually make you a happier, more conscious person.

70. Call upon your spirit guides – Everyone has spirit guides – whether they believe in them and want to communicate with them or not. Before we are born, we are assigned spirit guides to do just what their name implies: guide our spirit. They can often provide us with valuable advice and some forms of intuitive connection that most of us never imagined was possible. The best way to connect with them is to learn proper meditation. The job of spirit guides are to help guide your spirit in the right direction and they really want to connect with you to help you raise your consciousness. So consider learning ways to connect with them on a personal level, or finding an advanced spiritual seeker / psychic that knows about spirit guides and how to connect with them. It seems as though Erin Pavlina has gotten great reviews discussing her ability to help you connect with your guides. Though her readings are somewhat expensive, getting one could prove to be a great investment in order to accelerate your personal growth and conscious development.

71. Clear emotional blocks – Nearly everyone has some form of subconscious emotional blocks that they have suppressed within their subconscious. Emotional blocks can develop in childhood and can be forgotten by the time a person reaches adulthood. They can drain your conscious control over life if you don’t learn to properly release them. It is not advised to attempt to deal with very powerful emotional blocks or repressed traumatic memories by yourself. Consult a trained therapist or psychologist to help you work through your past powerful emotion. Realize that when you are able to work through your past emotional blocks, you naturally allow yourself to reach a higher state of consciousness.

72. Clear out subconscious “cobwebs” – What exactly are subconscious “cobwebs?” I refer to subconscious cobwebs as any unfulfilling: beliefs and emotions that have been carried around in your subconscious mind for too long. Many times, our subconscious mind is carrying around extra negative emotional baggage and limiting beliefs that need to be released or replaced. If you want to clear out your subconscious “cobwebs” and take conscious control of your subconscious mind, consider trying meditation. Meditation takes your consciousness to a deeper level and makes reprogramming your mind a much easier process.

73. Turn off the T.V. – Depending on your current level of consciousness, watching T.V. may actually be a good thing. For those individuals operating at an extremely low level of functioning, watching T.V. gives them hope, satisfaction, and a boost in consciousness. With that said, to permanently elevate your consciousness, it is recommended to refrain from watching T.V. If you think about the act of watching T.V., it doesn’t reflect your life’s purpose nor allow you to be fully productive. The time that you currently spend watching T.V. could be put to better use by allowing you to accomplish a personal goal, providing you with extra time for exercise, or even giving you time to boost your brain power!

74. Read a good book - Whether you enjoy reading fiction or non-fiction books (or both), reading books is a phenomenal way to help you boost your conscious brain power. Reading books provides you with knowledge, creativity, and allows you to fully expand your intellect. Reading books will also help you become a smarter person, with a mind that is full of new thoughts and ideas. The more credible information that you are able to read, the more information and knowledge your consciousness has to consciously create with.

75. Expand your creativity – There are many ways for us to expand our creativity and abilities to creatively think. Developing ways to creatively think not only boosts brain power, it boosts your consciousness. The use of brainstorming, creative visualization, Zen koans, and meditation have all been known to increase creative thinking skills. Creativity is an important trait to develop when dealing with your reality. Having creativity allows your mind to easily solve even the most difficult of problems. If your creative-side is currently lacking, think of ways to step-it-up a notch to reap the conscious benefits!

76. Develop strong people-skills – Developing strong people-skills will allow you to become more conscious in many different ways. Having strong people skills allows you to be comfortable expressing who you really are in any social situation. Without developing strong people skills, you may be stuck in a state of fear around others in social settings or even worse, you may feel completely uncomfortable expressing your true beliefs, values, and discussing your lifestyle in front of others. Cultivating a strong set of people-skills will allow you to become a more conscious individual and will allow you to share your love with others.

77. Allow yourself to be inspired - Allowing yourself to be inspired helps you to take passionate action. In order for us to be inspired, we usually need to have some sort of emotional connection. Maybe you are deeply inspired by a song that you recently heard on the radio, maybe you are inspired by Barack Obama, maybe you are inspired by Hilary Clinton, maybe you find Pablo Picasso’s artwork inspiring. Everyone is different and everyone is uniquely inspired by different things here on Earth. Inspiration can really work magic in your life if you let it. Taking actions based off of positive inspiration will ultimately guide your consciousness to a higher level of functioning.

78. Be courteous towards others - Being courteous to others is a great way to share love, positivity, and a great way to set a good example for others. Each time that you set an example, you have some influence onto others. Each time that you practice a healthy habit or put courteous actions on display for others to see, they will be much more inclined to follow suit. When you are able to be courteous to everyone that you meet, you are raising your consciousness through compassion.

79. Attend a spiritual retreat - There are many spiritual retreats and spiritual opportunities that can quickly boost your state of consciousness. Meditation retreats and gatherings with your religious group are two of many ways to raise your consciousness. The act of going to church is yet another form of attending a spiritual gathering. Going to an event like a Holosync retreat may also be a great way to connect with a fun, positive group of individuals that could prove to be lifelong friends. You will never truly know nor understand the possibilities of conscious transformation that a retreat has to offer until you actually make it a point to attend.

80. Form a mastermind group – Forming a mastermind group is a great way to help you become more conscious and complete your goals. To participate in a mastermind group, you must first gather up some trustworthy friends. Next, schedule times that your entire group will meet to discuss personal challenges, goals, accomplishments, etc. Meet with each other and discuss your goals. Be as positive and encouraging towards one another as possible. Offer suggestions and serve as a motivation for the rest of your group. Mastermind groups are a form of conscious, positive support that allows you to accomplish your goals much easier. And, social support (i.e. a positive group of friends) is always great to have when working to become more conscious. Do whatever you want with your group, have fun, be positive, and realize that you are raising your consciousness in the process!

81. Be a mediator - There are many situations that arise from negativity in this world. One way to break up these situations in a peaceful manner is to be a mediator. A mediator is a person that is able to resolve conflict between two parties and think of a peaceful solution to a problem that both conflicting parties agree upon. In the end, the best part about a mediation process is the satisfaction that you can derive from helping bring peace to the world. Helping others is a great way to create a true sense of happiness in your life. Anytime that you bring peace, the collective consciousness of humanity takes a step in a positive direction.

82. Build an accurate model of reality – Building an accurate model of reality is a great way to explore the endless possibilities that life has to offer. Gaining conscious control of your thoughts will aid you in the process of creating your reality. When you are able to take control of your focus, building an accurate model of reality becomes an easier task.

83. Be a leader – Being a positive leader is an awesome way to raise your level of consciousness and that of others. If you are able to become a leader who is able to influence large groups of people in a positive manner, you will naturally develop a lot of conscious power. Each person that supports your message, adds to your ability to share your purpose. If you haven’t thought about stepping up and becoming a leader in some way, now is the best time to start thinking about it!

84. Travel the world - Traveling the world most definitely has potential to change and expand your state of awareness. As you travel to different places, you are able to learn about unique: ways of life, ways of thinking, religions, customs, values, etc. This is why it is extremely common for huge changes in perception to occur. Traveling to many different parts of the world is one way of exploration that allows you to experience life on a larger scale.

85. Be empathetic – Advanced empathetic abilities can be cultivated by accessing the lower brainwave states: both the theta and delta brainwaves. Making a conscious effort to become a more empathetic person means trying to understand and relate to others and their emotions in as an effective method as possible. Being empathetic is a great way to spread love and compassion in the world. And spreading love and compassion are great ways to help you become a more conscious person!

86. Set goals and accomplish them – Setting positive goals and working to accomplish them is one of the single most effective ways to advance consciously, without even having the intention to advance consciously. For example: you may set the goal to exercise everyday for one month in order to improve your health. By setting and completing a goal like this, your main focus is improving your health, however, you are also indirectly improving your consciousness.

87. Try brainwave entrainment – Though brainwave entrainment seems like a new-agey, experimental technique, it is a great tool for advancing consciously that actually works. Not only does brainwave entrainment work well, it is an extremely effective way to develop a powerful brain and advanced state of consciousness. By practicing brainwave entrainment, your brain becomes more flexible in the process of shifting to various brainwave states. You can always give brainwave entrainment a trial and evaluate how effective it is at helping you advance consciously! Check out the software featured in my recommended products section and give one of those a trial run.

88. Try self-hypnosis – What many people do not realize is that the act of self-hypnosis is very helpful for achieving states of complete, controlled relaxation. During self-hypnosis you develop full, complete control of the beliefs that are implanted in your subconscious mind. Self-hypnosis relaxes your body and takes you into a state of highly-focused, deep relaxation. No matter whether you enjoy self-hypnosis or meditation more, they are both exercises that will allow you to elevate your consciousness. Give self-hypnosis a shot if you haven’t already – it is a perfectly safe, exercise that will benefit your consciousness greatly!

89. Develop your chakras – Learning to clear and cleanse your chakras could prove to be one of the single best investments that you’ve ever made for yourself. Chakras hold the key allowing you to tap into your higher-self and connect with energy from the Universe. Working directly with your chakras will help you become a more conscious person, making you more aware of your body’s energy centers and how they can affect your entire life.

90. Release your Kundalini energy – My definition of Kundalini: a (usually latent) energy force that is coiled at the base of our spine. We’ve all felt Kundalini from time to time during extremely emotional moments, when a certain song plays, or when we have a powerful experience. What does Kundalini feel like? Kundalini the energy that makes our spine tingle. We get goosebumps throughout our body and our entire spine tingles with emotional energy. Kundalini is a completely healthy and powerful method to advance consciously. It is not recommended to go into a Kundalini experience blindly, though. Do some research on “Kundalini energy” and consider working with a guru or a person who has been through the entire process if you hope to release your Kundalini energy.

91. Appreciate your surroundings – To further allow yourself to develop consciously, it is important to be appreciative and thankful for everything in your environment. Each day and every day, the little things that we may be taking for granted are often some of the most amazing forms of beauty. Simple things like the sunset, a field of flowers, or the face of our neighbors are all beautiful expressions that we may not be taking the time to appreciate. When we are able to realize that everything is connected and that we were truly meant to love and appreciate one-another, we naturally become inherently grateful for our surroundings and what the Earth has to offer – and thus, more conscious.

92. Bring new life to Earth – Each time that you are able to make a contribution to life here on Earth, you bring forth another brilliant expression of our universe. Each time that you bring human life, plant life, animal life, etc. here on Earth, it is something to be truly proud of. Ways that you could contribute to bringing life to this planet include: raising children, adopting a child, planting a flower, or raising an animal. The inner feelings that you may feel as a result of bringing forth new life are perfect for finding true happiness and taking yourself to the next conscious level.

93. Lead a flexible life – Flexibility is a key part of gymnastics… it also is a key part of life and the process of becoming more conscious as a human being. Leading an overly-structured life often becomes overwhelming and unpleasurable. You need to take time to appreciate the moments of spontaneity and spur-of-the-moment type events. Being flexible is a great attribute to cultivate in your life. Though learning to be flexible is just a small habit that will make you more conscious (by opening up your life to new opportunities), it is a highly important principle to implement into your life and reality.

94. Learn from “consciously advanced” individuals – More consciously advanced people have a lot to offer those who are less consciously advanced. They often provide us with great discoveries, insights, and guide our lives in a positive direction. If you happen to know someone that is at a higher cognitive level of functioning than yourself, spend some time with that individual. Ask them questions about their life, questions about your life, or any questions about life in general. See how these individuals feel about raising consciousness and how they can help you work to increase your conscious awareness.

95. Live a well-balanced life – Keeping a balanced life can be very difficult at times. However, keeping activities in proper balance is a great way to become more aware and involved in many areas of life. Make a conscious effort to focus your energy towards what inspires you most, but don’t forget to be flexible and take time for important people and activities like: friends, family, expression, and exercise. Being well-balanced with activities in life provides us with greater conscious satisfaction.

96. Consider taking health supplements - Supplements have long been known to help aid in mental processing and boost physical functioning. I personally have taken a multivitamin in combination with 3.6 grams of fish oil on a daily basis for almost 2 years straight. Overall, I feel that the combination has worked phenomenal for helping my physical functioning and mental processing. Always be open minded: consider taking supplements if you aren’t already. Do a personal experiment to see what supplements work best for you and how various supplements affect your consciousness. In the end, you may decide that all supplements are ineffective and that they were nothing more than placebos.

97. Celebrate your accomplishments - Celebrating your accomplishments is a form of self-praise and self-respect. When you value yourself and appreciate yourself, you are likely to celebrate your accomplishments – and actually have accomplishments to celebrate! Celebrating is a fun and rewarding activity to do to make yourself happier. It increases your levels of overall self-love and respect: both of which are key factors in the process of raising your consciousness.

98. Always have positive intentions - Positive intentions often arise from having a positive mindset. Having a positive mindset and forming the habit of holding good intentions is a great way to boost your level of conscious awareness. When you intend for positive events to happen in your life and always have positive expectations – your life will naturally attract positive people and will result in happiness.

99. Read and recommend 4 Mind 4 Life dot com to others – Remind yourself of ways to become more conscious by re-reading this series and other articles here at 4 Mind 4 Life dot com. I always try to provide you with the most valuable advice to help you boost your level of consciousness. Though the main focus of this website is boosting brain power, your level of consciousness goes hand-in-hand with how powerful your brain is; the more powerful your brain, the easier time in raising your consciousness you will have. I can only promote my message to a certain extent. Each time that you help me by recommending my website or this series to another person, you will be helping guide others towards positive change. I send blessings to everyone who reads this series, recommends this series, recommends this website, or applies advice from this website to better themselves.

100. [This space is intentionally left blank for you to fill in] – Nobody knows and understands what works best to help your consciousness better than you! Be creative, fill in the last blank already! Choose an activity that you enjoy that renews your sense of wellbeing and resonates congruently with your soul. Blessings to everyone that made it this far down the list!

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

SaLuSa: As if by Magic, the Coming of 2012 Will Lift You Up

2011 DECEMBER 14

SaLuSa tells us that the financial saga in Europe is far from finished and will have extensive repercussions. But the opportunity approaches that will allow the Company of Light to put forward the final plan.

The year 2012 will see us lifted up as if by magic. He cautions us to enter 2012 with as few fixed ideas as possible but allow for the changes that will show us where we are headed. Though we are headed for Ascension, the path will meander a bit.

He emphasizes that there is a right time to start. He tells us that most of us know the broad picture but not the fine details. He recognizes that some are tired and have lost motivation, but he suggests that if we can change track we’ll become actively involved in the changes that are forthcoming.

He invites us to share our knowledge especially with those who do not use the Internet, but again only gently and as much as can be assimilated. He tells us that our leaders know about the galactics and that their part in the lead-up to Ascension is not negotiable because they report to much higher powers. He discusses the practicalities of the galactics’ work.

He reminds us of the hunger that is abroad in the world and how, given that we have refused to manage these problems, they have already grown beyond our capacity to resolve. He adds that the dark ones turn a blind eye because they want to reduce the world’s population. But he says that the galactics have the means to quickly overcome hunger.

He discusses the situation on board the ships, mentions the fruits that are available for nourishment, and says that replicators will also be used for us before Ascension, after which our needs will decrease dramatically.

SaLuSa, Dec. 14, 2011

The financial saga in Europe is far from finished and its repercussions will travel far and wide. We hold no particular desire as to the outcome, but we see the opportunity arising to put forward the final plan that shall release you from the old paradigm. It will manifest one way or another, as there is no going back to the old ways of managing your affairs.

As if by magic the coming of the year 2012 will release more energies that shall lift you up more rapidly than any previous period. Even those amongst you that have given little thought to its significance, will sense that dynamic changes are taking place. Rumors will fly around, with both acceptance and denial causing some dissension, but eventually the truth will come to the fore. It cannot be suppressed indefinitely and will always remain regardless of attempts made to conceal it. The problem is that you have lived in your illusion for so long, that it is difficult to see the truth that must replace it.

It is imperative that you enter the coming period with few fixed ideas, but allow for changes that will clearly point out the direction that your civilization is going in. It is of course Ascension but its path will meander somewhat before it is clearly laid out before you. Allow it to unfold in its own good time, and we will be on hand to direct you in the right direction. Most of the Lightworkers have a good idea of what will happen, but not necessarily the finer details.

We of the Galactic Federation are as you might say, on the edge of our seats as the pressure to go ahead is almost unbearable. However, we will say time and time again – that there is a right time for what we are here to do and all will proceed far better as a result. In one sense there is no urgency, given that regardless of what happens, you will reach Ascension as intended. On the other hand, we know that the sooner we can start, the quicker we will have your support.

So we ask you, Dear Ones, to please concentrate on where you are going and let anything of the lower vibrations pass you by. You have been entering the higher vibrations for quite some time now, and they support you in your quest to rise up. Each soul’s journey can be somewhat different to another’s, but in principle you are all looking for a way forward that takes you out of your present predicament. Short of being too fearful to face change, there is no reason why you should not welcome upliftment out of your present experiences.

We detect the tiredness and lack of motivation that holds some of you back, but the answers are coming very soon and will give you a lift out of the gloom. Have faith in what has been planned for your civilization to end this cycle of duality on a high note. You are going through the final days now, and if you change track to one that is full of promise for the future, you will be actively involved in the changes that will delight you, and bring peace into your life.

It is time to share your knowledge, as many questions will arise once the truth of our presence is announced. We can of course speak for ourselves, but at the grass roots level your assistance will help clear the way for the greater truths to be told. Bear in mind that not everyone has access to the Internet, and many are quite oblivious to what is coming. Your elderly people are mostly affected and also come from generations that usually have a totally different mindset, and need your help. Be gentle with them and give only as much as you feel they can comprehend, and make sure they realize that all will be well.

Let us emphasize that everything is going to plan, and the best is yet to come. At different stages leading up to this time your leaders have been given an outline of our role in the world changes. So the announcement of our presence will not be such a surprise as you might imagine. They will have had time to accept that our part in your lead up to Ascension is not negotiable, as we answer to much higher powers than those on Earth.

In any event without us the end times would have been quite different. We are your assurance that nothing can alter the divine plan that we are carrying out at the Creator’s request. This is why we constantly implore you to keep your eyes on what you have been led to expect. The sequence of events is more or less established, but we have our own desires where they are concerned. Changes are easily accommodated, as we have each aspect clearly defined and planned in great detail.

Even as we prepare for our mission to start the various projects in earnest, we note the deterioration of the world’s population as hunger grows unabated. Can your leaders really accept it is right that the problem can go unattended for so long, as the numbers grow to unmanageable proportions. We realize that without intervention, the deaths from malnutrition will reach record levels. That is not to mention the consequent sickness which also goes largely untreated.

Dear Ones, the problems are already beyond your capacity or willingness to solve them, which the dark Ones ignore because of their desire to reduce the population of Earth. We are ready to deal with them, and we have ways of providing nutrition that will quickly overcome the hunger.

We want you to see what can be done with the natural resources of your world, of which there are sufficient to feed the whole population if handled in the correct way. Naturally we will introduce advanced technologies to make the best of what you have. These will be passed onto you, but the need for them will be short lived as once you ascend an even newer concept for food production will be introduced.

On board our ships it already exists, and our Mother Ships are self contained farms if you wish to use that description. Naturally because of the higher vibrations of our bodies, our needs for solid food is very limited but we can enjoy the fruits similar to yours. In fact, we also cater for the needs of different Beings to ourselves who serve with us. The ultimate provision is from a Replicator that will provide anything that you may desire, which is useful for Earth Humans on the occasions that they stay with us for a while.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and look forward to this time of the year, when many of you have kind thoughts for those less well off than yourselves. If shows the deep love within that stirs at such times, and shows you true selves.

Thank you SaLuSa.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

Deeprak Chopra: "SincroDestino" (http://www.mediafire.com/?a4zyjo2ygzx)

Primer principio: 
Tú eres una ola en la estructura del cosmos 
Sutra: Aham Brahmasmi 
La esencia de mi ser es la realidad última, raíz y sustento del Universo, fuente de todo lo que existe 
El primer principio del sincrodestino reconoce la inteligencia subyacente que da origen a mi cuerpo, a tu cuerpo y al Universo como un todo, desde las estrellas y galaxias hasta las partículas subatómicas. Este campo de inteligencia consciente es la fuente del cosmos. Es el cuerpo extenso que todos compartimos, que nos vincula. La esencia de mi ser es también la esencia de tu ser y la de todos los seres. 

Tú, yo y el Universo somos lo mismo. Yo soy el Universo, circunscrito en un ser humano individual. Tú también eres el Universo, circunscrito en tu cuerpo, que lee estas palabras en este momento particular del espacio-tiempo. Ambos existimos sólo como olas individuales en el campo de inteligencia consciente. Cada aspecto de nuestro ser está acoplado y concertado por esta inteligencia no circunscrita e infinita, el océano ilimitado de conciencia del cual tú, yo y el Universo surgimos. Ni siquiera nuestros pensamientos, deseos y sueños son técnicamente nuestros; son manifestaciones del Universo total. Cuando descubres que las intenciones y deseos que surgen en ti son las intenciones mismas del Universo, puedes renunciar a tu deseo de controlar y dejar que la vida maravillosa para la que naciste se desarrolle en toda su magnificencia.

Una vez que entiendas esta premisa, comprenderás el sutra del primer principio del sincrodestino: "La esencia de mi ser es la realidad última; es la esencia de todos los demás seres; es la fuente de todo lo que existe, raíz y sustento del Universo". Aunque parece simple, puede hacer falta toda una vida para dilucidarlo; su significado para nuestras vidas es profundo. Cuando entendemos plenamente este sencillo sutra, todo se hace posible porque todo existe en nuestro interior. Tú y yo somos lo mismo, y cada uno es el ser infinito proyectando un punto de vista particular, tu punto de vista y mi punto de vista. Mi ser es inseparable de todo lo que existe, tal como el tuyo es inseparable de todo lo que existe. 

El poder de este pensamiento emerge cuando nos damos cuenta de que el ser trabaja sincrónicamente. Como yo soy una extensión de la inteligencia consciente, y ésta es la fuente de toda la realidad, entonces yo soy la fuente de toda la realidad. Yo creo mi propia experiencia. 

La intención brota de nuestros deseos más profundos y estos son moldeados por el karma. Tú y yo no tenemos el mismo karma; por ello, no poseemos exactamente los mismos deseos. Hemos amado a personas diferentes, nos hemos arrodillado ante tumbas distintas, hemos rezado en altares diversos. Las particularidades del deseo son únicas para cada uno. No obstante, si seguimos fe cadena del deseo, al final todos somos lo mismo. Queremos ser felices; queremos sentirnos realizados; queremos que nuestras vidas tengan significado y propósito; queremos una sensación de conexión con Dios o con lo espiritual; queremos que los demás nos respeten y amen; queremos sentirnos seguros. Estos deseos son universales, pero la ruta que seguimos para satisfacerlos es exclusiva de cada uno y se basa en las experiencias y los recuerdos individuales, es decir, en el karma. Todos nos dirigimos hacia el mismo destino, pero tomamos caminos diferentes. Llegamos juntos después de recorrer distintas rutas. 

Ejercicio 1: El testigo silencioso 
Ve a un lugar tranquilo donde no seas molestado. Pon tu cinta o CD de música relajante favorito. Cierra los ojos. Una vez que lo hagas, dirige tu atención hacia quien está escuchando en realidad. Empieza a percibir dos facetas distintas de ti mismo. Tus oídos reciben el sonido y tu cerebro procesa las notas, pero eso es sólo el aspecto mecánico. ¿Quién conecta las notas de manera que formen música? Mientras estás pensando en el proceso de escuchar, ¿quién escucha efectivamente? Percibe al testigo silencioso, el escucha silencioso que siempre está presente. Esta presencia no sólo está en ti, sino en el espacio que te rodea. Es esa parte de ti que está más allá de los pensamientos y sentimientos del momento, la parte que nunca se cansa y nunca duerme. Tampoco puede ser destruida. Reconoce que este testigo silencioso siempre está ahí. Es esa parte de ti que puedes atisbar cuando el parloteo de tus pensamientos es silenciado a través de la meditación. 
¿Puedes sentir esta corriente más profunda de conciencia en tu interior? 
La conciencia de este testigo silencioso marca el inicio de la conciencia del campo de inteligencia consciente, la fuente de todas las sincronicidades de nuestra vida. 

Ejercicio 2: ¿Por qué estás aquí? 
Para este ejercicio necesitarás papel, pluma y diez minutos sin interrupciones. 
Pregúntate por qué estás aquí. Escribe lo primero que se te ocurra. Esta pregunta está abierta a muchas interpretaciones, por lo que debes anotar cualquier pensamiento que desencadene. No te preocupes por cómo escribes; ni siquiera tienen que ser oraciones completas. 
Ahora plantéate la pregunta otra vez: ¿Por qué estás aquí? Escribe una nueva respuesta. Haz esto veinte veces. Sigue buscando formas nuevas de interpretar la pregunta, de modo que cada réplica sea única y responda a un aspecto distinto de la pregunta. 
Ahora revisa tus respuestas. ¿Qué te dicen? ¿Puedes discernir algún patrón o progresión? ¿Qué te dice esto sobre cómo ves la vida? 
Puedes considerar tu vida como una serie de acontecimientos externos e internos, pero también puedes aprender a ver un vínculo entre esos acontecimientos, entre sí y entre ellos y algo más espiritual. Cuando lo hagas, empezarás a ver tu vida como una oportunidad para compartir el don especial que sólo tú puedes aportar al mundo. Ésta es una respuesta a la pregunta de por qué estás aquí. Esta clase de claridad de propósito te ayudará a dirigir tus intenciones. 

Afirmaciones sutra para el primer principio 

Imagina que el Universo entero está siendo representado en tu interior. 
(Cuando tengas una imagen en la mente, di Aham brahmasmi) 
Imagina que estás conectado con todo lo que existe. 
(Aham brahmasmi) 
Imagina que eres como una cuenta de cristal. Reflejas la luz de todos los demás seres sensitivos. También reflejas la luz de todo el Universo. 
(Aham brahmasmi) 
Imagina que eres una hebra del hilo cósmico, conectada con todas las demás hebras. 
(Aham brahmasmi) 
Imagina que eres eterno. 
(Aham brahmasmi)

The Transformation of Our DNA Is Leading Us to Universal Truths

We have been stuck in a Universal Time Matrix that has been disconnected from higher dimensional frequencies for thousands of years. Our DNA is finally catching up and breaking through restraints which have halted our progress. Somehow, we’ve agreed to do all of this to ourselves. However, humans will soon know and understand why 97% of our DNA has a higher purpose and why its transformation is leading us into an awakening that we never could have imagined.

True Self Realization and Soul Awakening requires expansion of our existing beliefs (beyond the restrictions of your programmed belief system – Opening up to the Absolute Universal Truth). We come into this planet knowing the Universal Truth. As we grow up we disconnect from the Universal Truth and inherit our family’s belief system. Our parent’s beliefs usually end up being the foundation of our beliefs. The foundation of this belief creates our restrictions. The Universe has no restrictions. We create the boundaries based on our beliefs. These boundaries limit our spiritual growth / inner development which affect our DNA and vice-versa.

Our DNA exists not only biologically, but dimensionally as well. Scientists study the aspects of the DNA phenomenon and have learned much. What they do not yet understand is that our DNA is much more than a functioning biological entity. It is our harmonic signature Universally.

If we were to hear the tones generated by each segment of each strand of our DNA, we would find that they create a collection of harmonic frequencies that when combined, duplicate our exact harmonic frequency. That harmonic frequency is our Universal identifier. There is no other who carries that frequency which is our own. In essence, we exist with our own harmonic resonance.

Our genetic structure operates much in the way a satellite system works as a transmitter and receiver. It is our biological and energetic connection to all things not only environmental but Universal. The frequencies found within our genetic structure are very fine. Light in fact.

According to the findings of the Russian Scientists, the genetic code follows the same rules found in human languages. By modulating certain frequency sound patterns on a laser ray, they are able to influence DNA frequency and genetic information. The most interesting aspect of their discovery is that simple words and phrases can work just as well as laser beams. Man can literally reprogram his genetic blueprint through words–which explains why affirmations and hypnosis can have powerful effects on mind and body. Healing with sound and words lies within man’s power.

This discovery also points to the significance of sound frequencies and vibrations in the origin of human life and the possibility that creation was generated by waves of consciousness. The Phantom DNA effect is a case in point: the energy field of a DNA sample remains detectable by laser light even when the physical sample is removed. At a fundamental level, man is pure energy. In Wave Genetics, the junk DNA functions at a rich infrastructure level of super codes and wave communication, realized in material form as crystalline structures–dynamic gene-holograms in liquid crystals of the chromosome continuum. What this model suggests is that the human gene is part of larger holograms (multiverse) of wave information reality. Hyper-communication, in the form of remote sensing, remote healing and telepathy, is definitely a part of the human protocol.

Scientists are aware that 97% of our DNA is, as they call it “junk DNA”. They call it junk because they don’t see that we have any use for it. Only 3% of our DNA is wrapped up in the spiraling double helix strand. During the time of the 75,000 year cycle when we are exposed to the most torsion energy waves and it affects our DNA by reorganizing the 97% “junk” DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix advancing man in a leap of evolution.

Empty space is not really empty but filled with the invisible torsion wave energy at different degrees of concentration. Thus, as the stars and planets drift through the galaxy they pass through different concentrations in very exact intervals of time, with precise cycles that can vary in length from thousands to millions of years. As planets move through periods of high concentration of these torsion waves a transformation affects the DNA structure on the planet, which causes more highly evolved forms to more rapidly replicate than less evolved forms of life. Ample evidence of this is seen to occur through our fossil records which evolution has shown this to occur in sudden jolts rather than as a gradual process. The effect has been named as “punctuated equilibrium” by mainstream biologists.

Our current solar system has major cycles of approximately every 25,000 years (procession of the equinox) and a really high shift of incoming torsion wave energy every 3rd cycle or 75,000 years. The year 2012 is our solar system reaching this 75,000 year arrival point in our cycle. The torsion energies have been noticeably increasing since 1998.

All matter harnesses torsion waves to sustain its existence. An atom is actually a vortex of aetheric energy, where the negatively-charged electron clouds are pressing in towards the positively-charged nucleus. Geometry is also a major factor in the quantum realm, since it represents the natural form that vibration creates in a fluidlike medium. These naturally occurring aetheric vibrations will cause atoms that are released from a tiny nozzle to gather into perfectly geometric microclusters, which act as one large atom in their own right.

When a planet reaches this 3rd set of 25,000 year cycles the energy upgrades automatically whether its inhabitants are ready or not. The extent of these leaps vary. This current cycle propels our evolutionary processes up to the point that there will be a really big change which is ascension. This ascension process happens routinely in planets through the solar systems as they evolve. That is why in the past 50 years there has been an increase in “communications” of ascended masters from the “other side” that have too, gone through this process ions ago. They are here to help us make the transition of these new torsion energy waves coming in and their effect on all matter. However, their “help” never infringes on individuals free-will.

Higher frequency energies being transmitted by the forces of light onto this planet allow individuals that are open to receive (through their beliefs and mindset) to activate their higher Chakras (7 to 15), which opens their central channels (Universal Kundalini), raise their frequency and DNA between NOW (2011) and December 2012. These activations help bypass the restriction programs being activated on this planet. The restriction program energies get activated in March 2011 (force field of energy that restricts human ascension process) and is planned to go full force in December 2012. Those that do not raise their frequencies will fall into these energies and will not be able to ascend to the higher dimensions (beyond dimension 11.5). The DNA of most people on this planet has already been mutated. That is why only 3-5 DNA strands are active instead of the 12-48 DNA strands

The distortion of this planetary grid system thousands of years ago caused a mutation in our DNA structure. The original human had minimum of 12 DNA strands, 12 fully activated higher senses (5 lower and 7 higher), full access to the higher divine mind and memories of life experiences in all time lines. The average human being today has only 3 to 4 DNA stands active, 5 functional senses and no memories of who they are and why they are on Earth. Those that are awakening are seeking higher level answers and processes to activate their higher DNA strands and raise their frequency.

We need to clear all past issues, forgive ourselves and others, release all negative energy patterns in our system, generate loving thoughts for ourselves and others, expand on the restricted planetary belief systems and open our mind set to the universal level this initiates the basic process to open ourselves to receive our full power.

Activating the pineal and opening the higher heart center (sacred heart at the thymus) with activation and clearing of the seven lower Chakra Seals speeds up the process, opens the higher Chakras, raises our frequency levels and opens the the higher paths through the central channel to our higher layers

On an esoteric / spiritual level, almost all teachers agree that the objective of this school we call earth is to teach us to love one another. The more unpleasant the world — and its leaders and controllers — may look to us, the more inclined we are to not act the same way… and that ultimately IS the whole point.

In more scientific terms, we can argue that we are going through an energetically-programmed evolution at this time.

Evidence shows this energetic evolution has direct effects on our level of consciousness — and even the structure and function of our own DNA.

What is Ascension?

It’s graduation day…moving from the 3rd dimension to the 4th density dimension (although some sources state we’ll move from 3D to 5D). All planets do it as they evolve, since torsion waves see to it that things progress. What happens to the 3rd density earth? It physically goes through a rebirthing process to start the cycle all over again taking millions of years and millions of stair-step jolt cycles to evolve upwards again. However, ascension takes place far in advance of earth’s changes, so it isn’t an issue to life forms on earth.

Third dimensional humans experience themselves separate from each other and preoccupied with issues of survival and self-awareness.

Fourth dimensional humans have the conscious awareness that they are a part of each other and connected by loving energy-Oneness. Supposedly a 3rd density body could not live on a 4th density planet, as the DNA would no longer be supported by the torsion waves of that area. Some sources state that we will have telepathy and able to instantly “think” into being what we want. Consequently, the ability to controlling your thoughts will be paramount. 4D earth will look just like 3D earth but your daily physics involved will be different. The ascension will happen instantly (although some cultures state their sources say it’s a 3 day process which you are in darkness for those 3 days.) You may wake up one morning and the colors in your room are much brighter and when you jump, instead of coming right down it takes you 30 seconds to float down.

So, essentially, “ascension” is just another name for the process that beings go through as they change densities. Contemporary metaphysical scientists, such as Gregg Braden, call it zero point energy, the photon belt, or aetheric energy. As our solar system passes through this invisible density of energy, significant changes are translated down to the physical level, since torsion energy affects all matter.

This process of change is known as the Awakening, or as the Ascension process. We need to transcend our fears and learn about love, real love, which has to start with the self. Because until we can love and trust ourselves, we cannot truly love or trust anything or anybody else.

The Symptoms

1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the “Christ seed” awakens within. This too shall pass.

2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.

3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It’s good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.

4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don’t worry about finding the “perfect” job or career right now. This too shall pass. You’re in transition, and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.

5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.

6. Unusual sleep patterns. It’s likely that you’ll awaken many nights between 2:00?4:00 a.m. There’s a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a “breather.” Not to worry. If you can’t go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.

7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogeyman. This too shall pass.

8. Physical disorientation. At times you’ll feel very ungrounded. You’ll be “spatially challenged” with the feeling like you can’t put two feet on the ground or that you’re walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.

9. Increased “self talk.” You’ll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You’ll suddenly realize you’ve been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you’re experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You’re not going crazy, you’re just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.

10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to “flee” groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.

11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That’s okay, and it’s just part of the process. Take this time to “do no-thing.” Don’t fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It’s similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new Christ-seed energy.

12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a “suicidal” feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don’t want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body. During this transition process, you have inner remembrances of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed, you could go Home right now. But you’ve come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you’re walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone.